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Starting a Social Media Conversation Social Media Safety Program 

Bullet Points:


​About the program:​

  • This is a two part social media safety program that includes sessions with kids and sessions with their parents

  • Sessions are age appropriate and allow for kids to participate in solution building with regards to social media and device safety

  • Parent sessions are positive and include tools to help parents support their kids in a healthy, helpful way

  • Both parts of the program don't HAVE to be booked, but it's recommended in order to ensure kids get the support they need (and deserve)



  • Kids have an opportunity to offer their perspective, and hear from others about their perspectives, without an adult filter applied

  • Kids learn about others' experiences and can offer solutions or support when discussing challenges around social media safety

  • Kids feel better about their world, by looking at it from both an opportunities (with support and safety) and challenges perspective

  • Kids are involved in the conversation, rather than having adults apply an adult perspective and solutions

  • Adults have a shifted perspective on how to support kids in a digital world

  • Adults are provided with actionable tools to lean in to building skill around responsibility and moderation, rather than relying on banning and forbidding

  • Adults learn how to support their kids through challenges in a positive, productive, skill building way

  • Adults feel empowered to guide kids, and kids feel empowered to speak up to adults



Support materials are supplied that include information for parents about the program, posters and social media content to promote the parent session, letters home for the kids to start a conversation, a workbook for parents, and newsletter content for you to use throughout the school year



School sessions (per group of kids, not per day) starts at $225. Parent sessions start at $500. Travel fees may apply outside of Edmonton, Alberta


Who's Jo Phillips:

From 2015 to 2022 Jo delivered a more broad social media safety program with her former partner Joe Whitbread through Jo(e) Social Media. If you booked that program in the past, you're in the right place now!  Jo Phillips has a BA Psychology, is a Certified Youth Resilience Coach, is trained in Restorative Conferencing and is a social media expert.


Booking Info:

Booking can be done via email or phone.

Program Details


Starting a Social Media Conversation is a program designed to stimulate a continuous, positive social media conversation between kids and the adults in their lives, led by the lived-experience of the kids. Many kids won't report the bad things that happen online because parents take away their video game, or phone, or Snapchat to keep them safe. When we respond by banning and blaming, we destroy their trust in us. And trust is the most powerful tool we have when it comes to the challenges our kids face.


This is a two part program. I have sessions with the kids at school during the day, and then a session with the adults of the kids in the evening. This will be parents, teachers, grandparents, coaches - anyone who has kids in their lives. ​


In my in-school sessions, I ask the kids lots of questions, directing the conversation in a way that they make discoveries amongst themselves about the good and bad of social media and devices. I validate their experiences and help them build confidence to approach adults with the good, the bad, the challenges and the opportunities. We build solutions together, and I ask them what they want the adults to know.


The Parent/Adult Session bridges the gap between parent understanding and kids' behaviour, and works toward starting a positive social media conversation at home. Participants learn the scope of online activity of their kids, directly informed by the in-school session with their kids, highlight both the positive and the negative. They'll learn better questions to ask and come away with tools to lean into conversations about social media and device use. Tips and guidelines are provided so parents can make choices that will protect their kids while allowing them to enjoy the positive aspects of social media. Since most kids have exposure to social media, whether through their own use or through the use of those around them, parents will able to reinforce good choices at home and help kids feel more competent, supported and confident in their social media use.


​Each in-school session is tailored to be grade appropriate for the challenges kids are facing. Ideally, in-school presentations are paired with Adult Education in the form of an after-school Staff Session or evening Parents/Adults Session.


The best way to get me into your school is by requesting a package and sending it to your parent council or principal, with your recommendation. I'm based in Edmonton and will visit schools across Western Canada.

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